Welcome to Maranatha Christian School
When families visit our school the comment we hear most often is, ‘what a wonderful place to learn’. We purposefully celebrate and make room for the presence of the Lord Jesus. Our heart is to have a school where He is honoured by everyone involved in the life of our community.
Growing up in modern Britain presents specific challenges. We are becoming increasingly aware as parents of the need to educate our children so they are prepared to handle everything that comes their way – whatever that may be!
In partnership with you, the parents, we want to help our pupils develop the skills necessary to navigate this complicated world, not fearfully, but with confidence and wisdom. The best way we know how to do this is to be guided by the Word of God, whose wisdom continues to inform each generation and build within us the character that is necessary to succeed in life. That is why our curriculum is built upon principles of wisdom from God’s Word. It is God’s desire for all our children to reach their potential and serve Him in their generation. This requires the ability to handle knowledge, process information, analyze and assess, make judgements, and come to reasoned conclusions.
Our approach as a school is to teach our pupils to have confidence in God, and in themselves. We use an individualized curriculum because it has been proven to teach pupils to think for themselves, learn to research subjects, evaluate what they are doing and prepare them to be lifelong learners, giving them the skills to do research and manage themselves.
We trust that as you investigate Maranatha you will discover for yourself the blessing of accessing Christian education.
Tom Price, Headteacher